Legal Statement
You will be offered an assessment based on a comprehensive history and analysis of relevant test results.
Personalised plans will be formulated primarily using an evidence-based diet and lifestyle-medicine approach.
The recommendations will focus on diet and nutrition, physical movement, mental wellbeing, adequate sleep, and lifestyle adaptations to improve metabolic functioning, nutritional sufficiency and reduce stress.
If appropriate, carefully selected supplements will be recommended and used to help achieve best health outcomes.
Testing (including blood, urine, stool and other testing) is a key part of my clinical practice – allowing me to offer targeted, personalised care.
If I feel that you would benefit from the expertise of other health professionals you will be referred as appropriate.
My services are not suitable for the treatment of acute medical conditions, medical emergencies or accidents.
Clients who feel that they may be suffering an acute (non-emergency) medical problem should contact their general practitioner or call the NHS-111 service. In the case of a suspected medical emergency patients should visit the Accident and Emergency department of their nearest hospital or call 999.
If I feel that any of your symptoms require urgent treatment or investigation, I will immediately direct you to your own NHS GP for further care. Your GP will be contacted (with your permission), to request their input with appropriate urgency.